31 October 2007

this is just brilliant on Mike Gravel's part...

MSNBC eliminated Mike Gravel from the debate last night because, according to them, he failed to meet even one of the three criteria they required for participation - polling, fund-raising and travel. Senator Gravel says it's because MSNBC is owned by GE and they don't really like the things he is saying. Whatever.

He brilliantly decided to hold his own debate, or someone from his campaign did, and it is pure brilliance. You can watch what he did here -

I have posted the entire scene from Network previously that is used in Mike Gravel's video above. I've personally heard Senator Gravel twice. I do like the things he says, but the problem is people don't like to hear the truth. As my father used to tell me, "Don't bother to lie. No one believes the truth anyway." I've found it to be so true. No lie.

Can you imagine a country led by Gravel and Kucinich? It would either be the second coming or it would be a total disaster because of all the flak they'd get from the powers and money that be.

it ain't gonna happen no matter what...

Thanks to Andy Towle at Towleroad for the heads-up on the video.

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