18 October 2007

Republicans are not pro-life...

it's a lie for them to say they are.

ALL "no" votes on the S-CHIP over-ride were cast by Republicans. Not one Democrat voted no.

they hide behind the excuse that it would cost to much money, that it would be socialized medicine, that children who really don't deserve to be on the program will get free health care.

There was one very telling statement made, by Czar George himself, that the insurance companies would loose money from people who could afford to buy health insurance for their kids but would use S-CHIP.

So, that means that no child can now get adequate medical care.

this while he asks for billions more dollars to kill people in Iraq and Afghanistan...

oh, and gets us ready for World War III, if we don't stop Iran from getting nucular power...

some pro-life stand, if you ask me...

but, what do i know?

just asking...

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