01 November 2007

how much are Bush & Cheney's "blind' trusts worth?

I should have stopped to fill up the tank yesterday. It was at $2.92 a gallon. I didn't thinking I'd just do it today.

Today it's $3.09 a gallon. That's 17¢ more in less than 24 hours!

The price of a barrel of oil closed at $96.24, the highest yet. They are predicting that it will be at $100 by the end of the year.

The Ethics in Government Act of 1978 provides that the administration and congressional members place holding in a blind trust to prevent any possible conflict of interest or suggestion of inappropriate influence in their decision making.

Of course, the parties themselves set up the trusts and name the trustees. Soooooo, the question is, how much are George W and Dick's trusts worth? It would be totally within reason to believe that they still have substantial holding in the oil industry.

dontcha think?

just asking...

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