30 November 2007

an idea the Repubs could use to get the voters up and out...

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Vote-buying is an old practice in Thai politics, but one candidate for December's Thai election has reportedly come up with a new tactic -- handing out Viagra instead of cash.

The allegation, made Thursday by a campaign worker against a rival party, comes as rules about handing out favors to voters have become stricter than ever, barring even the distribution of free T-shirts and soft drinks.

Sayan Nopcha, a campaigner for the People's Power Party in Pathum Thai province just north of Bangkok, said the drug used to treat sexual dysfunction in men was being distributed to elderly male voters at social functions. AP

NOT even in Chicago, the home of Vote Early and Vote Often, would we stoop so low to do something so insulting as this.

at the lease, we'd make sure there was a hooker chaser...

tequila or otherwise...

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