26 November 2007

the state of the "process of government" in a single statement...

The quickest way to destroy the functionality of American government is to destroy the rule of law itself. Declare the Executive supreme and beholden to nothing, flood the Department of Justice and the federal courts with lickspittle political loyalists with no personal code of honor, upend the balanced counterweight of the separation of powers, terrify the populace into submission to avoid any hue and cry, roll out the grand distraction of war to get the flags waving and the newsrooms into line, and never obey any law or regulation imposed by anyone, ever. "Bad, Worse, Worst and Beyond" by William Rivers Pitt in Truthout

When you couple this statement with the article in Harper's I mentioned in a post yesterday, Resurrecting the Star Chamber, the situation has a focus that should no longer be blurry but the media, and even the cable networks, have been ignoring it. Keith Olbermann has come the closest but I'm not sure how serious anyone really takes the things he's saying.

I'm beyond angry. I'm more sad and scared. No, actually, I'm scared to death. There are 11 months left until the 2008 election and 13 months left until we actually have a new president. Anything can happen in that time, and if the wrong person becomes president, it will get even worse.

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