21 November 2007

you all know...

if you're a regular reader, that there are some things that I absolutely can't resist posting - blonde jokes, Maxine, the Tsar, christianists, cell phones, hypocrisy...

well, two of them have come together to make a statement that I must relay to you. Maxine and cell phones -

Maxine and cell phones.jpeg

i want one of those moving signs for the back window of my car. you know, the kind that they have a Wendy's, banks, etc that have messages on them. [maybe I should get a patent on the idea?] having one would allow me to keep both hands on the wheel. the first message i would put on it would be

Get off the frakking phone and drive!

well... i probably wouldn't use the word frakking...


Steve said...

LOL! What a great comic!

Wayne said...

It's amazing how many people drive and talk on the phone!