01 September 2008

you can't make this stuff up...

from HuffPost.com
Cindy McCain on ABC Today: Palin Has National Security Experience Because Alaska Is Close To Russia

When a Fox News morning host, Steve Doocy, testified to Sarah Palin's national security experience on Friday by saying that her state, Alaska, was so close to Russia, it drew hoots across the media and blogosphere (and even, no doubt, from a few Fox viewers).

This morning, on ABC in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Cindy McCain endorsed this very view.
So you see. It's from the horse's mouth and not just a figment of Fox New's imagination.

bet the Russians wish they never sold Alaska now.

wait... that means since i live close to Lake Michigan i have the experience to sail a 45' catamaran.

oh, i'm not allowed on small boats, only big cruise ships. i fall off... small boats, not cruise ships. they don't let me go near the railings.

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