20 January 2007

conspiratorial elitism...

A quote from an interesting website - hatecrime.com:
Fully 60 percent of gays surveyed were college graduates, compared with 18 percent of the general population. This is not the profile of a group in need of special civil rights legislation in order to participate in the economy or to have an opportunity to hold a decent job. It is the profile of an elite. An elite whose insider status has permitted it to abuse the political process in search, not of equal opportunity, but of special privilege and public endorsement." - Joseph Broadus, religious right representative George Mason School of Law, testimony before US Senate Labor Committee, opposing legislation to protect gay Americans from job discrimination, July 29, 1994. [the bold section is mine]

With the Republican Foley debacle didn't we hear a lot about the so-called "Washington gay-elite" who were embedded in the highest echalons of Republican offices?


These elitists worked to destroy and block the phantom gay agenda for not just the "Grand Ole Party" but also the rightist-christianists and their real agenda. The elitists' work should have limited the chimeric gay agenda itself, of which these elitists are part. They were doing the work of the right to destroy any kind of equality, difference and originality.

Or is there greater malice and cabalistic planning behind all of this? Maybe, just maybe, the gay elitists in leadership positions really weren't functioning for the Republican party but actually were infiltrating the party as part of a vast gay agenda conspiracy. horrors. the plot of the gay agenda thickens...

Will Mitt Romney be able to assuage the fears that he really is gay-friendly? Will James Dobson attenuate the downfall of the rightist-christianist mission? Will John McCain convince them that he really is a true conservative Christian? Will Mary Cheney have a girl or a boy? Or twins, one of each? For the answers to these and many other perplexities be sure not to miss the next installment of this fascinating adventure...

Oh, wait, we've got 22 months before we know the answer.

As Katherine Hepburn playing Eleanor of Aquitane in the movie The Lion in Winter said,

Love, in a world where carpenters get resurrected,
anything is possible.

Or Bette Davis as Margo Channing in All About Eve
Fasten your seat belts. It's going
to be a bumpy night.

i have bachelor's & master's degrees. have i been sufficiently elitist with this post? just asking...

Note: The website hatecrime.org is interesting for itself. The quote above is from a page entitled "Nazi Anti-Jewish Speech VS.Religious Right Anti-Gay Speech." It compares quotes "from 'The Eternal Jew' with Christian conservatives' modern-day quotes about gay Americans." Take a look. It's really an eye-opener as to how close the language is between Hitler's regime and the language of the rightist-christianists. In some places it looks as if they are acually quoting the Nazi's.


1 comment:

Wayne said...

oh yes, 22 months. seems like an eternity.