19 January 2007

authoritarian criminal-cryptofascist intimidation...

speaking of Cheney.
A "perfectly legitimate activity" is how the vice-president described the government's most recently revealed intrusion into civil liberties - that of the Pentagon and CIA's snooping into financial records of "suspect" Americans - an intrusion that the New York Times bluntly reported is "barred... by law...."

To Cheney, the U.S. Constitution is an impediment to good government, what with all those bothersome, civilly liberating amendments and all.

Muscling Away Our Liberties by P.M. Carpenter

And behind all of this Cheney said that, "And if an institutiton that receives one of those national security letters [a written Pentagon or CIA demand for private financial records] disagrees with it, they're free to go to court."

Like that will happen. Or as Carpenter puts it in his article: It's a lot like Al Capone telling you you're free to buy your speakeasy beer from Bugs Moran.

where IS the outrage from our protectors? why are they waiting to rid us of "authoritarian criminal-cryptofascist intimidation?"

The Declaration of Independence, the Consititution and Bill of Rights were put in place by "the people" with the express intention of being protected from the tyrannies of George III and any further possibility of it happening again. Not so slowly anymore, we are seeing the tyrannies of George W eroding all that Jefferson, Adams, Madison etc. worked hard and couragously to secure. Everyone is tiptoeing around the obvious...

Impeach the bastard!

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