19 April 2008

jeebus cripes, they just won't stop #2...

back and forth and back and forth and back and forth; secret tapes; commie-pinkos; bitter gun-toters; American flag pins; high-ranking activists; left-wing centrists; red-bating; blue-bating; queers and abortionists; on and on and on and on and on...

why don't we end it all right now?

let's not wait until November.

if there is a three way tie at the moment, let's just have a three-way election RIGHT NOW!

let's vote on all three. no more carrying on with this beauty contest.

there's nothing that says there only has to be one Democratic nominee. there's nothing that says it has to be a two-way race. [ask Ralph Nader]

let's do it now so you and i can have a fun summer.

any takers?

what do we have to do?

1904 T Roosevelt Politcal cartoon.JPG

ahhh, the good old days. not only did you know
there was a big stick, but
you knew how big it was...

where's Teddy when you need him?

[*this political cartoon is from 1904]

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