10 May 2007

the right "not to believe..."

Parents and District Settle Dispute on Teacher’s Religious Remarks
Matthew recorded his history teacher, David Paszkiewicz, making comments in class in September, including remarks that only Christians had a place in heaven, that the Big Bang and evolution theories were not scientific and that dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark. After the tapes became public, Matthew received a death threat and was shunned and bullied by some of his classmates, he has said.
The First Amendment has always been legally interpreted as not just establishing a religion but also fostering one. Inherent in this is also the right to not believe. Yet, that certain segment of the US population does not agree with this. They think that their way is the only way. not very christian of them...

And as far as the threats and bullying to Matthew, isn't that breaking federal law. You know, the one about hate crimes that includes religion? Shouldn't he be protected because of the religious belief that he has that he shouldn't be subjected to religious beliefs with which he doesn't believe.

man, is that all very confusing...

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