15 May 2007

no more King George W...

He has surpassed the definition of king. He now falls into the category of


Oh, sorry, those are the Russian characters for


The word czar comes directly from the Latin caesar that means emperor.

Why am I giving him a promotion? I'm not. I'm being more cynical and sarcastic than usual. [Trust me, it's hard to be cynical and sarcastic at the same time.]

- The evidence regarding Gonzales and his cronies is becoming more and more obvious but Czar George supports him and says he will continue to do so. [To top it off, Gonzales now is blaming McNulty, who just resigned, for the entire episode for firing the USA's, saying that McNulty was in charge of them - bottom line.]

- Tony Snow, the White House mouthpiece, today said Czar George supports Wolfowitz and doesn't think that anything he did was illegal.

- Czar George has now named himself another under-czar for War to oversee the various departments dealing with war and intelligence. This is on top of others such as the drug-czar.

- Being a self-proclaimed born-again he believes that he gets his direction and decision making powers from divine right with the backing and support of his own magisterium lead by his proconsuls Cheney & Rove.

- Czar George is demanding that he be given all the money he wants to contiue his surge with no strings attached and no guidance from the Congress and the wishes of the American electorate indicated as of November 2006.

- Every law that Czar George has inked included a myriad of signing statements that in effect said, "yes, but, given that I am Czar [sorry, President] I can decide to interpret the law this way or this way because I know better than the Congress."

- Czar George has only vetoed two, count 'em, two bills. All since the Democrats won control of Congress, with bi-partisan support, and over issues that the populace of the country is in favor. In addition, he has promised to veto H.R. 1592, the ENDA hate crimes bill, thus keeping dicrimination of segments of the citizenry in effect.

One could go on and on and on with the imperious* decisions, statements and moves that Czar George had made.

In the past, history has recorded how imperious men have been dealt with. On the Ides of March 44 B.C., a group of disgusted Roman politicians took care of the problem of Gaius Julius Caesar. On July 17, 1918, a group of Bolsheviks eliminated their problems with the last real Czar Nicholas II. Thankfully, we do not live in a time or a country where these types of solutions are accepted and are frowned on deplorably. The U.S. Constitution has written into it the solution

Impeach the bastard!

* imperious: adj., assuming power or authority without justification; arrogant and domineering; compare to imperial.
Oxford American Dictionaries

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