10 February 2005

one hell of a week...

...so far.

This week has been a bit too much. With classes on Monday and Tuesday nights until 10 pm after working from 7 am to 6 pm each day, I haven't had any time to myself, let alone time to write. The days at work have been hectic also. I don't stop from the minute I get into school until I leave.

I realized a while ago that I can't go into work with a plan of what I have to do because it never happens. I have a three hour workshop to do next Tuesday and I had to plan and get everything ready for it today. But what happened was a copier tech came in to work on the color copier machine. I had to spend the time with him. Then the security guard in the primary building called and said she had to be late, so I had to spend time in the building until she got there. [At least I got to catch up on the new budget material/figures.] Then the staff that covers lunch periods got caught in situations and I had to spend two hours in lunchroom hell. Then there were kids that were having problems so I had to deal with them. Finally, there was no one to do security for the 7th-8th grade basketball game, so I had to do it. This is very typical of my days, and, yes, I did get the workshop planned before I left work tonight.

I realize the importance of "plan your work and work your plan" but it doesn't often happen that way. At least, with this mode of operation in your head, you have an idea of what you need to do, but you also have to realize that everyone else is going to change at least the timing of your plan.

Thank goodness I'm an abstract-random when it comes to learning and working. The more abstract and the greater the randomness of the data, the better I can put it together to make sense. It's probably why I had such a problem with regular old math. It is too concrete and way too sequential. When it came time for geomety, trigonometry, solid geometry, etc. I had a much easier time. Though it's sequential, it's very abstract. So, when days like this happen [almost every day] I can end up pulling it all together by the time it has to be done.

You have to understand that though it seems like I might be complaining, I actually love what I do because I'm doing it for the kids. The actual thing I have to keep myself present to is that it's the adults who drive me nuts. I can laugh with and at the kids; the adults take everything too seriously.

no matter what...

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