04 February 2005

missionary position...

"I don't think anybody thinks that the unelected mullahs who run that regime are a good thing for the Iranian people or for the region," Ms. Rice said to reporters on her plane to London. "I think our European allies agree that the Iranian regime's human rights behavior and its behavior toward its own population is something to be loathed."

The Bush administration's push, push, push for democracy is somewhat akin to the early missionaries traipsing all across North America, Africa and Asia during the 17th-19th centuries. Spreading the "word" was the goal of all religious missions, but it hid an agenda of "conquering the people."

Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, North Korea seems like nothing more than submission to a "higher power." What exactly is the "higher power?" In the end will the entire world be "christian" because of the missionary position the Bushies have taken. Doesn't Islam push the same agenda: the spreading of the Koran?

Seems that we have the battle of Armageddon brewing that Revelations talks about and evangelicals wait for with immense enthusiasm and rapture. Or, maybe, are they creating it to make certain that it happens?

just wondering...

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