27 April 2007

"major combat operations in Iraq have ended...

This is the new TV ad from Americans United for Change. If I wasn't such a cynic when it comes to K. George W, I'd believe that there is a chance.

After reading the actual bill [Congressional Record, April 24, 2007] being sent to him, I really don't know what his problem is with it. It gives him the slant he really wants and, in what could be more important to Bush, it takes him off the hook. [Check out Balkinization for an easier read and explanation of the bill.]

He still reminds me in nature and traits of a (re-covering)alcoholic and a pre-teen - You can't tell me what to do. Sometimes, I can do what I want to do. He's right. Sometimes he can, and for the most part he has been. However, his parents, the American people, are saying, This is one of those times that you can't do what you want any more. Just as a pre-teen, he needs to be grounded.

maybe for the rest of his life...

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