03 February 2007

Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast,

To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.
- William Congreve, 1670-1729

music is one of the most essential things in my life. it should be in everyone's life. it reflects moods, gives surprises, indicates significance, excites, reveres, and mollifies. kinda like sex.
music is probably the most important thing in our lives, at least in mine. i wake each morning with a song playing in my head. i connect songs to things that happen, people i meet, and events that occur. a song can bring back a memory - good or bad. i connect music to every part of my life.

that's how i subtitle my new weblog that focuses on music - macarthur park

macarthur park? yeah. my favorite song.

sweet, green icing flowing down...? left the cake out in the rain...? never have that recipe again...? huh?

don't get it? i certainly can understand. it's existential. it was one of those things that struck me up the side of the head the second i heard it. there is a rather long autobiographical explanation. it revolves around, you guessed it, sex.

suffice it to say that when i came up with the idea for a music blog, there was no other title to choose.

macarthur park check it out...

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