17 January 2005


Washington is all hustle and bustle getting ready for the inaugaration/coronation this week. Even Cadillac is unveiling its new line of limousines for the occassion. George will ride in one of the new coaches.

I will state quite clearly, here and now, I am definitely not a fan of the man or the dynasty. I have an inherent distrust for anyone who comes across as a fanatic. My definition of a fanatic is someone who redoubles his efforts but forgets his cause while changing stands along the way for expediency and sticking to an all pervasive unflinching -ology.

That said, the plans for the festivities seem to border on a coronation rather than an inaugaration for a second term. There has been so much talk about the demand for tickets from his constituents that Democrats have joked they are willing to sell theirs. [Each member of Congress is allowed 400 tickets no matter to what party they belong.] Republicans have been calling them to see if they're going to use them or want to give them up.

Let's see 400 X $250 = $100,000! This is an entreprenurial capitalistic society, afterall. There wouldn't be any political fundraising laws involved. Republicans are all for big business. Why not?

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