04 March 2007

blogged to death...

from QT at the Chicago Sun-Times
News Item: Man in northern China slumps over and dies at his computer after seven days nonstop on the Internet

He was warned to stay away from the Drudge Report.

it possibly also grows hair on your palms or crosses your eyes or lessens sperm count...

the Drudge Report causes brain cancer. i'm almost certain of that. i know it raises blood pressure. don't believe me? go ahead. read drudge with a sphygmometer on your arm. it's a fact. i blocked him a long time ago. and what's with that hat? does anyone really wear a hat anymore?

do you think that anyone's done a study of the effects of extended time on the Internet? this could be an entirely new business enterprise that one could make lots of money doing.

i mean the study not the internet...

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