19 September 2006

out of the mouths' of babes...

A teacher was doing a study testing the senses of first graders, using a bowl of Lifesavers.

The children began to say:





Finally the teacher gave them all honey Lifesavers.

After eating them, none of the children could identify the taste.

"Well," he said, "I'll give you all a clue; It's what your mother may sometimes call your father."

One little girl looked up in horror, spit her Lifesaver out and yelled,

"Oh My God! They're !#*holes!"

One of the joys of my job is that I hear these sorts of things every day. Friends tell me I should write a book. My response always is, "No one would believe it!"

I've often wondered that little kids learn how to lie. They are always so truthful in their innocence. Do you remember when you learned to lie?

just asking...

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