long, long time...
i hadn't realized how long;
the most recent post - April 24th - was right before the last couple of surgeries i had to have, and they were the worst of all i've had over the last 2 1/2 years; even worse than the back surgeries;
i didn't realize how difficult these were going to be; i say
these because they did two at the same time; the major one was a
trans urethral resection of the prostate; the secondary one was the removal of a very large growth that grew very quickly on one of the testicles; luckily a benign cyst that had to be removed along with the epididymis;
(i know - too much information, but the truth is the truth)
the second one, understandably, was the most painful and uncomfortable; if you're male and never had something like this done, you can only
imagine what the aftermath was like! thank the fates for Vicodin;
in the meantime, i've been spending most of my time using Facebook; it's quick; it's easy; and most of the time keeps you up-to-date;
i'm not completely sold on it, but it has been a really good source for news that doesn't make the major media;
of course, this is due to the fact that i've been fairly selective on who
friends are; (
friends is really quite a misnomer; only 5-6 on my list are truly friends in the real sense of the word!)
the worst seems to be passed, but they tell me it will take a couple of more months before most of the after effects go away;
i am rethinking a lot of things with this last episode of life and i am looking it over and deciding that another make-over is in order; i've done this before and always had a good time doing it;
i'm just not exactly certain what the change is going to be, but like i said, i want to have fun doing it...
glad to see you all again and there already is a
monday morning mayhem ready for posting...