24 December 2006

ce n’est pas la fin du monde...

it's not the end of the world...

Eric Fassin : "Je crois que l’ouverture du mariage aux couples du même sexe, ce n’est pas la fin du monde, c’est seulement la fin d’un monde."*

*"I believe that same-sex marriage is not the end of the world. It's only the end of a world."

M. Fassin is a French sociologist who is reacting to a new book put out in France by a politician (Senateur Jacques Baudot) before the upcoming elections in France: Oui chez le notaire; Non chez le maire. In today's e-llico.com: actualité gay [sorry, it's in French], Jean-françois Laforgerie, the author of the post, points out that it merely is all politics since there are elections coming up in France soon. It's pandering to the rightist in France.

Well, we seem to be doing a lot of this in the U.S. right now also. John McCain and Mitt Romney are the prime examples. They have seen the light and changed their ways to appeal to the christianists and homophopes here. What's incredible is that both men, especially Romney, previously spoke out favorably for at least some semblance of marriage for same-sex couples, even if it were civil unions.

Now they are saved. They have bit the bullet and seen the error of their ways. They have decided that their hypocrisy is in the past. They have bowed to the Dobsons...

Wait, their duplicity speaks volumes to their real intentions and designs, doesn't it? Would you vote for men who change their minds in the pursuit of self-aggrandizement?

just asking...

Note: While I've clearly stated that I am basically opposed to same-sex marriage since I think that marriage itself is becoming passé and because there are many people strongly committed without magical words, I still strongly uphold the right of anyone to enter into it if they want to do so. It is a sign of equality when all members of a society have the same opportunity to the rights and benefits of everyone else. No one group should be denied of what other, more acceptable, groups freely take advantage.

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